First Landfill in PA to Partner with PADEP in Installing a State-of-the-Art PFAS Treatment Plant

Bethlehem Landfill Company Makes History as the First Landfill in Pennsylvania to Partner with PADEP in Installing a State-of-the-Art PFAS Treatment Plant
Bethlehem Landfill Company Celebrates Groundbreaking PFAS Treatment System Launch with the Water& Carbon Group
Bethlehem, PA – November 18, 2024 – BethlehemLandfill Company, a subsidiary of Waste Connections, Inc., is proud to announcethe successful implementation of the first fixed-plant system in the UnitedStates for removing per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from rawleachate. Developed by The Water & Carbon Group, the LEEF System® is acutting-edge solution that aligns perfectly with Bethlehem Landfill’s proactivecommitment to sustainability and environmental protection. Operational sinceJuly 1, 2024, this innovative system allows Bethlehem Landfill to treat anddischarge leachate with PFAS at non-detect levels, meeting standards far belowthe U.S. EPA limits for drinking water.
"This partnership with The Water & Carbon Group iscentral to our sustainability goals and our dedication to advancingenvironmental responsibility,” said Astor Lawson, District Manager of BethlehemLandfill Company. "In just one month, the PFAS Treatment Plant hasexceeded our expectations, achieving early results that show PFAS contaminantsreduced to the limit of detection."
While current regulations do not mandate PFAS treatment atlandfills, Bethlehem Landfill has chosen to take this important step as anenvironmental leader in the community and the industry. Across the country,landfills increasingly receive materials containing PFAS, making effectivetreatment methods critical to community safety and environmental health.
“Bethlehem Landfill’s partnership with The Water &Carbon Group reflects our commitment to addressing this challenge and tosetting a new standard for PFAS management in the solid waste sector,” saidLawson.
The Water & Carbon Group’s LEEF System® has beenspecifically designed for maximum operational efficiency, minimal energy use,and superior effectiveness in PFAS removal. The foam fractionation technologybehind this system takes advantage of PFAS’s natural tendency to adhere to airbubbles, allowing for the targeted removal of 99% of PFAS compounds in a shortperiod. The system also uses less energy, requires no pre-treatment, andproduces a lower volume of residual waste, all of which minimize environmentalimpact.
About Bethlehem Landfill Company
Bethlehem Landfill Company provides environmentally safe andcost-effective waste disposal services for residential, commercial,construction, and demolition projects across Pennsylvania's Northampton,Lehigh, Bucks, Berks, and Montgomery counties. As a member of the WasteConnections family, we serve the Lehigh Valley with an emphasis onsustainability, innovation, and excellence. Our commitment to environmentalprotection and operational quality sets us apart as a leader in wastemanagement, ensuring a cleaner, healthier future for the communities we serve.