Lower Saucon Township Approves Rezoning
BETHLEHEM, PA – September 7, 2023 - The Lower Saucon Township Council has approved the rezoning of 275.7 acres of land for a potential expansion of the Bethlehem Landfill. This decision came after extensive comments and discussions that lasted approximately six hours during a council meeting on August 30th.
During the council meeting a public hearing and discussion took place before the approvals were finalized in the afternoon. The rezoned land, extending east of the landfill on Applebutter Road and north along the Lehigh River, has been changed from Rural Agriculture to Light Industrial. This approval designates landfills and waste disposal facilities as permitted uses within the Light Industrial area.
Bethlehem Landfill Company announced its intention to pursue a new disposal footprint on approximately 86 acres of the rezoned land. This is a reduction from our initial plans for a 117-acre disposal area in the proposed Phase V expansion.. We are confident these revisions will align better with the expectations of the host community, while still providing essential services and benefits to the region. We are committed to engaging with the community and seeking input and feedback throughout the expansion process.
We are pleased with the decisions that were made in favor of the zoning amendment, conservation easements, and the host agreement and appreciate the community’s support. Our commitment to the community remains steadfast. We recognize the importance of minimizing our environmental impact while fulfilling our commitments as a trusted neighbor. We look forward to continuing to work together to ensure a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous future for our region.